Samuel finds solace in YFC club after moving from Fiji

Whippy (left) at McKinley YFC Club

Whippy (left) at McKinley YFC Club

"My name is Samuel Whippy. I was born in the beautiful islands of Fiji. My family decided to move to the United States. My dad was offered a job in Hawaii. We made the move in the beginning of my Junior year, and I enrolled at  McKinley High School. I went through a 'Culture Shock' on my first day of school. I was trying to be optimistic ,but on the inside it wasn’t easy for me to adjust and I felt lost and alone.

It was hard for me at school because in the first few weeks I was made fun of. In the corner of my eye in my counselor’s office, I saw a list of school clubs; only the Christian Club stood out. I was excited to go check it out. When I joined the club I was  happy because I got to meet some amazing people. I didn't feel alone at school. The staff at YFC and volunteers taught me so much about Jesus and helped me build my relationship with Him. As a result, I started to go to One Love church.

In my senior year I decided to get more involved in club.  I was elected club President. The YFC leaders walked me through hard financial times with my family and helped to answer my questions. Even though school is over and we can’t meet in club, Leila (YFC staff) still shares about Jesus to us on Zoom. She also takes us to do fun things, like volleyball and the beach. Even to this day they are reminders I’m not alone. 

I'm truly going to miss the YFC Club, as it played a vital part in my relationship with God and adjusting to my new surroundings. I’m thankful for all the lessons I learned because now I’m able to move on into college with the foundation of Jesus they instilled in me."      

S. Whippy McKinley High School class of 2020.

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