YFC fellowship reaches out to a student dealing with drug issues

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“On New Year’s Eve 2020, I overdosed on drugs and blacked out at a park. When I woke up, an ambulance had arrived, and my girlfriend was in tears. She told me that I was so high and out of it that I had fought my two friends and they left me unconscious on the ground. I started taking hard drugs back in ninth grade. In 10th grade, I got caught using and selling drugs on campus during school hours which led to a three-week suspension and getting kicked off the school volleyball team. 

During this whole time, I would attend YFC HI CORE club at Kalani. I first went for the food, but then I realized that the members of the club were genuinely interested in my well-being. The YFC Campus Life leader would pray with me and text and call my mom with encouraging words and prayers. My friends at CORE club always stood by me no matter my struggles or troubles. One of the leaders of the club, Keoni, is the most joyful person I know. There was something different about this group and I always feel God’s love and acceptance at YFC events. 

I have stopped spending time with my old friends and have been attending many of the YFC events during the school COVID shutdown this past year. YFC has helped me stay on track and has shown me that I can have fun without drugs. I have been off drugs for two months now. I still have so many questions about God, but it seems like He is watching over me.” 

John Doe 11th Grader Kaiser High School

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