YFC Hawaii is helping youth to find Jesus and thrive

                              (Jonathan top row, third from the right) 

                              (Jonathan top row, third from the right) 

"During my senior year, our football team made it to the OIA Championship Tournament, but we ended up losing in the semi-finals. I was so disappointed because I worked so hard to be good at football. Sports became the most important thing in my life; practices would take up all my time. 

        It was during my senior year that my friend, Amy, invited me to the Roosevelt YFC club. Being invited to the club showed me that God still loved me even though I stopped going to church. I also learned that I wasn't better than anyone else and that we all sin, and we all need God. I thought before that if I was good at sharing about God and good at sports, God would love me more or that I was more important to God. 

        During club one day, the YFC leader was sharing about God's grace. I couldn't understand how God would save us when we didn't deserve it. I thought you had to earn it. Through the YFC club, my pride in myself slowly began to break down and my pride in Jesus' love for me began to grow. This fall I am attending UH Manoa and I know that no matter what happens, God loves me and that His grace is a gift that changed my life. Thank you for helping me make it through high school and find Jesus."

Jonathan - Roosevelt Graduating Class of 2020

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