Prayer Helps Students Deal with Stress

YFC Staffer, Darrren Ho, shares the Gospel with Kalani YFC Club students

Amy is a sophomore at Kalani who has up and down weeks like any other high school student. Her mood can be discouraged one week and positive the next. Thankfully, she’s found a home at C.O.R.E. and is usually open to share what she is struggles with. Recently, Amy showed up very distressed as her best friend was being distant and pushing her away. She didn’t know why this was happening and was upset that she couldn’t fix the problem. She also shared hurt and frustration that boys had been expressing interest in her purely for her outward, physical appearance, which was making her feel bad.

It was an opportunity for me to ask if she would be willing to be prayed for and she said yes! Right there in that classroom we prayed that God would help her to surrender control of her situation and that she would be reminded that how God feels for her and sees her is where her identity lies. After praying, she was so grateful and said, “I needed that!” Please pray for Amy, as she has yet to accept Jesus. We will continue to strive to make small but impactful differences in Amy’s life so she can experience God’s love in a real way.

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