“It was my privilege to be the first full-time employee of Youth for Christ. It grew rapidly, and thousands of young people came to Christ. After 60+ years, Youth for Christ continues to communicate the life changing message of Jesus Christ to our youth before it’s too late. We have been fortunate through the years to touch millions of lives and today, more than ever, we need to continue our quest to reach the lost youth around the world.
The harvest fields are riper, the grain is thicker, and the instruments that technology has provided are sharper. I see no reason why we could not touch the entire youth population of the world with the good news of the Gospel… let’s make that our goal!”
YFC Legacy
Youth for Christ Hawaii was formed by returning WWII veterans in 1945 and was one of the first YFC chapters to be established in the country. It is now one of 160 chapters nationwide. In its early days, Youth for Christ Hawaii focused on large rallies aimed at proclamation evangelism. However, by the mid-60s and early-70s, Campus Life ministries emphasizing relevant, relational evangelism to unchurched youth became the thrust of Youth for Christ Hawaii’s ministry efforts and to date remains the focal point of the Hawaii Chapter. For three generations, Youth for Christ Hawaii has focused on providing guidance and character development for youth aged 11-19 years. YFC HI believes that better students make better people and is committed to improving the academic, social, family and community lives of Hawaii’s young people.
YFC Today
Youth for Christ Hawaii currently runs 19 Campus Life clubs in Oahu public high schools. Annually it provides services to over 1,350 students and works weekly with over 610 students. YFC HI focuses on five areas of youth development:
Improving academics by improving student attendance and grades.
Lowering the risk of drug and alcohol use through student participation.
Addressing behavioral issues, resulting in a significant reduction in self-harm, depression and suicide.
Increasing school participation and improving school culture through character education, and by providing a safe place for struggling students.
Helping students to apply their learning by becoming more involved at home and in the community.