A club on every campus; Jesus in every heart.

Youth for Christ Hawaii desires to see a flourishing YFC club on every high school and middle/intermediate school, including private schools, statewide.  Our desire is that every young person aged 11-19 years will have the opportunity to personally encounter Jesus prior to graduating from high school.  Hawaii’s youth will become an integral part of the body of Christ. YFC HI desires to see every young person, ages 11 to 19, have an opportunity to hear and to make an informed decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ and to become a part of the local church. We believe that our actions help to make students better. This, in turn, helps to make young people better adults. We want to see every young person transformed and redeemed by the love of Christ.

This statement from Youth for Christ/International guides us as an organization. We are part of the body of Christ, part of the “Big C”, universal church. We unite with YFC across the globe in a desire to give every young person the opportunity to respond in faith to Jesus Christ and find a home in a local church. YFC HI will play a role in aiding the spread of the Gospel to young people throughout the Asian Pacific region. It’s through the roots established in this local family that these young people can further mature and find opportunities to serve and live out their new faith.