YFC in action
Kailua YFC Club Helps the school with student led service projects. Read Cheyanne’s story below.
Over the course of my life I have helped many people. One of the ways is through the YFC Trailblazers Club. I am the president of the Trailblazer Club at Kailua High school and we have hosted many events that benefit the school. In this club we worship God, plan events, and try to improve our community. One of the events I planned, was to improve the Kailua High School campus. During this event the club painted the walls along the corridors and had a service session. At the service session we talked about future plans for more community service and how we could raise the money. Over the course of the club, I have learned to be more dependable with decision making. Not only that, but I have a place to hang out. For a long time, I have sat alone. Things changed once I got into the YFC club. I had a place to eat two days out of the week. Even if my class was on the other side of the school campus, and no matter how inconvenient it was going to the meetings, I looked forward hanging out with club members. YFC has helped me become a leader at Kailua and inspired me to help others. Thank you!
-Cheyanne, far right in photo, Kailua HS 2020